
Posts Tagged ‘diuretic’

How dandy is that little dandelion?

June 28, 2012 Leave a comment

DandelionSomewhere along society’s way, the dandelion acquired a bad rap. Sure, as a kid, we enjoyed popping the flowers off, blowing the feathers away to make a wish or smearing each other yellow with them. But eventually, we learned that they are pesky weeds that invade our beautiful green lawns, and now do everything we can to eliminate them!

Next time you go on a rampage to get rid of your dandelions, consider eating them instead. Dandelions have proven to heal a wide range of illnesses, even when traditional medicine has failed. Their high potency as a diuretic helps expel toxins from your body. (

The dandelion ranks as one of the top 6 herbs in the Chinese herbal medicine chest and according to the USDA Bulletin #8, “Composition of Foods” (Haytowitz and Matthews 1984), it ranks in the top four green vegetables in overall nutritional value (

Dandelions provide rich amounts of beta-carotene, fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and the B vitamins, thiamine and riboflavin. This makes the deemed weed healthful in many ways:

  • preventing or curing liver diseases and cancers
  • purifying blood
  • assisting in weight loss
  • cleansing skin and eliminating acne
  • regulating bowel function and gastro-intestinal health
  • lowering high blood pressure

Everything from the flower to the roots of the dandelion plant can benefit your health. So how do you prepare and consume this slightly bitter wonderweed? Consider making a salad with dandelion leaves, parsley, dill, oil and vinegar. Sip some dandelion tea or wine. Or roast the dandelion root to give your coffee an earthy flavor. Bake the roots around 300 degrees until brown but not burnt. Store them in a glass jar out of sunlight to maintain the nutritional value (

Check out more dandelion recipes here. And you can always find dandelion products at your favorite health food store. Of course, take usual precautions when preparing any food, like rinsing adequately. Consult your doctor if you are taking other medications or herbs. Certainly steer clear if you have allergies to dandelions or are taking blood-thinning medications.

Go ahead. Revisit your childhood and embrace this beautiful yellow flower again. Pull it, smear it, pop it…in your mouth, after a little preparation. Let this gem of nature work its diuretic and digestive magic on your body.